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Wa Sung Honorary Members

Honorary Membership is for any person who has done outstanding public service for Wa Sung and has never been a member of the Club. Honorary Members hold all rights and privileges of regular members, except to vote and hold office, without payment of annual membership dues to the Club.

Leonard Miller was the first Honorary Member. He donated BBB goods and the Leonard Miller Memorial Fund. Tosh Minamoto, owner of the old Tosh and Dick's furniture store near Lincoln Square, was also named Honorary Member for providing storage space for Wa Sung's pancake stoves.

Get in Touch With Us
Wa Sung Community Service Club
P. O. Box 1561
Oakland, CA 94604 
Want to get involved in community service in the East Bay? Learn more about our scholarships? Send us an email at


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© 2023 Wa Sung Community Service Club

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