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Wa Sung Young Professional League


What is
Young Professional League (YPL)?

Formerly known as Wa Sung Junior League, Wa Sung Young Professional League is Wa Sung's program for members ages 17 to 35 years old. Junior League encourages members to develop their leadership skills, participation in volunteerism and enjoy fun social networking within the Wa Sung Community Service Club activities, events and/or projects.

Young Professional League also encourages membership with college bound students, youths and young adults to transition in joining the Wa Sung regular membership and build interest to serve as a future Wa Sung officer or a board of director. 

Benefits of Joining YPL

Wa Sung Junior League membership is free and includes attendance to member dinners and events

Junior League hosts numerous fun and exclusive events throughout the year including professional development workshops and socials to help you grow your network

Junior League provides many volunteer opportunities to help you stay connected and give back to the local community

College and Career Exploration Program

OCCC Streetfest - International Stage

Job Shadowing Program

Merit Scholarships





Join Us!

To join Young Professional League, please download the form and email to Manyi Leung (

Feel free to email her questions!

On the form, it will ask for you a sponsor. A sponsor is someone who is currently a Wa Sung member. If you do not have a Wa Sung member sponsor, we would be happy to connect you with someone. :) 


Stay in Touch with Us!

Follow YPL on Instagram!

Get in Touch With Us
Wa Sung Community Service Club
P. O. Box 1561
Oakland, CA 94604 
Want to get involved in community service in the East Bay? Learn more about our scholarships? Send us an email at


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© 2023 Wa Sung Community Service Club

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